Guidelines for OEC Processing on Jan 15 and 22

Posted on: Jan 18, 2012

Attention to OEC/OWWA applicants planning to visit the Philippine Embassy on 15 January and 22 January.
A quota will be imposed on the number of OEC applicants received at the Embassy and the Embassy’s OEC extension service at Lucky Plaza.

Only 150 OEC applications will be accepted at the Embassy’s OEC extension service at Lucky Plaza on the above dates, and will be processed according to the following schedule:
Application Nos. 001-075: 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
Application Nos. 076-150: 1:30 P.M. onwards

Likewise, on the above dates, only 800 OEC queue numbers and 400 OWWA queue numbers will be issued at the Embassy, and will be processed according to the following schedule:
Queue Nos. 001-200: 9:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.M.
Queue Nos. 201-400: 10:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
Queue Nos. 401-600: 1:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Queue Nos. 601-800: 3:00 P.M. onwards

The Embassy made the announced due to space constraints and to ensure the safety and security of applicants for Overseas Employment Certificates (OECs).

Applicants without queue numbers, or with queue numbers that are not yet scheduled for processing, will be restricted from entering the Embassy to prevent overcrowding. The Embassy reminds applicants to refrain from bringing companions, to avoid further congestion of its public waiting areas. The Embassy reserves the right to restrict the entry of non-applicants.

To further facilitate the speedy processing of OECs, applicants are reminded to ensure that their documentary requirements are complete and in order.

The list of requirements for OWWA membership and OECs are available at and respectively.

The necessary forms may be downloaded and printed out ahead of time from under “Labor Forms”.

In order to avoid inconvenience in obtaining necessary documents during peak travel periods such as Chinese New Year, applicants are strongly encouraged to schedule their visits to the Embassy from Monday to Thursday and in advance of their planned travel dates.

Embassy of the Philippines website and facebook page.


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