Plan your long leaves for 2012

Posted on: Jan 15, 2012

Plan your vacations now!!! Here's the list of long weekends for 2012:
4-day weekend on January: from 21st (Sun) to 24th (Tue)
3-day weekend on April: from 6th (Fri) to 8th (Sun)
3-day weekend on August: from 18th (Sat) to 20th (Mon)
3-day weekend on October: from 26th (Fri) to 28th (Sun)
If you take leaves on the working days between Aug 9th(Thurs and National Day) and Aug 19th (Sat and actual Hari Raya Puasa day), you only need to file 6 vacation leaves ;)

The complete list for the 2012 holidays are as follows:
New Year's Day1 January 2012Sunday*
Chinese New Year23 January 2012
24 January 2012
Good Friday6 April 2012Friday
Labour Day 1 May 2012Tuesday
Vesak Day5 May 2012Saturday
National Day9 August 2012Thursday
Hari Raya Puasa19 August 2012Sunday*
Hari Raya Haji26 October 2012Friday
Deepavali13 November 2012Tuesday
Christmas Day25 December 2012Tuesday

* The following Monday will be a public holiday
Source: Ministry of Manpower

The date for Deepavali, November 13, needs to be checked against the Indian Almanac when it is available. The Ministry of Manpower will issue a statement should there be a change of date.

Under the Employment Act, an employee who is required to work on a public holiday is entitled to an extra day's salary at the basic rate of pay, in addition to the gross rate of pay for that holiday. The employer and employee may mutually agree to substitute a public holiday for any other day.


  1. thanks for the list... very useful to know and to have enough time to check on the events that we can enjoy during vacations
