Most OFW families are just waiting for remittances

According to a recent survey, majority of OFW families just sit back and wait for remittances. These families are apparently already contented with this way of life and do not mind that their only source of money are the hard earned "padala."

Furthermore, just almost a third of OFW beneficiaries own a business, which tend to be sari-sari (neighborhood variety) stores, renting out apartments, operating public transportation, buying and selling, [running] a meat shop, canteen or eateries. But I think, most of the capitals used for these businesses also came from OFWs...

This is a very sad common story among us. From Singapore, Hong Kong, to Saudi Arabia, you'll hear this story over and over again: An OFW has no choice but to keep on working else his family will have nothing to eat... else his sibling will not be able to finish college...else his parents will have no medicine. So it is no surprise why there are some Filipinos working in war-torn countries...

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Click here to read survey.


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